What is the SPC for?

SPC (Statistical Process Control) is a method of statistical control of processes. quality control which enables continuous monitoring of production processes using data collected in real time. In many industries such as automotive, aerospace and luxury goods, it is a requirement for compliance with quality standards and regulations. 

By using statistical tools such as control cardsSPC helps to identify deviations from quality standards before they become major problems. This allows corrective measures to be taken before defective products are produced in large quantities. In the field of machining, APC (Automated Process Control) enables machine tools to be corrected before deviations are observed.

By reducing defects and variations, SPC helps to reduce the costs associated with rejects, rework and product recalls, and thus cut costs for the company. SPC is a fundamental pillar for any company seeking to achieving operational excellenceThis enables us not only to maintain high quality standards, but also to proactively optimise production processes.

"We have gone from a Ppk of 0.8 to 1.4 thanks to the Ellistat APC module".

"I had already worked with this major manufacturer on SPC consultancy assignments", recalls Davy Pillet, CEO of Ellistat. In 2017, I suggested that they test Ellistat's APC module to help them set up their machine tools. They were among the first watchmaking customers to put their trust in us and to test our solution, and it was with them that we improved it so that it met the needs of watchmaking manufacturers in the field. "This is one of Ellistat's strong points that should not be overlooked: the responsiveness of the development teams to requests for improvements to the software is really appreciated," adds the Quality Methods Manager. At the time, the main problem encountered by the company was the cost of rejects. In the watchmaking industry, the parts are complex and therefore difficult to adjust, and the materials used make the costs even higher. The Ppk was 0.8 before the Ellistat APC module was installed on their part. The progress manager told us: "We have gone to a Ppk of 1.4, which corresponds to a scrap rate divided by 90%. The gains were measured as soon as the solution was implemented in our workshop, and we didn't have to wait to see the return on investment. Today, 100% machines are equipped with Automated Process Control. The implementation of APC has met management's expectations by reducing scrap and the costs involved, but also the expectations of the workshop's operators and adjusters, as they say: "We don't have to bother with calculating machine settings any more, the Ellistat APC module does the calculations for us, which frees up our time to devote to running the workshop, and there are plenty of things to do.
Progress Initiative Director for a major watch manufacturer
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