Characterise your measuring equipment

Discover Ellistat, a high-performance Gage R&R software package for validating measurement processes in accordance with the MSA standard

Several analyses can be performed in the same ELLISTAT session.

Ellistat is a software package compatible with the MSA standard for validating a measurement process by checking the repeatability and reproducibility (Gage R&R) of the instrument and verifying its accuracy.

R&R analysis of a measuring instrument

Test under real conditions

For us, the best way to prove to you that Ellistat is simple, user-friendly and complete is to let you test it for free for 1 month with your data and with your colleagues!

Gage R&R: visual first

Build your R&R guarantee in just a few clicks with Ellistat's Data Analysis software

Graphs provide visual information on the results of calculations. This makes it extremely easy to understand the malfunctions of a measurement system.

Share your results on a customisable Excel sheet with your customers

R&R pledge analysis, results in graphical form
Analysis of R&R pledges to attributes

Gage R&R attribute

When the measurement gives only a quantitative result, ELLISTAT allows you to perform an R&R on the attributes and access the results of:

Repeatability: Capacity for an operator to agree with itself.

Concordance: Proportion of measurements conforming to the reference measurement. Note that a concordance of 50% corresponds to a random selection of data. You should aim for a concordance of 90%.

Reproducibility: Capacity for an operator to agree with the reference when he agrees with himself.

Export your data for better visualisation

This feature allows you to share your results in a clear and personalised way with your colleagues or customers. 

With just a few clicks, you can transfer your repeatability and reproducibility analyses (Gage R&R) and other statistics directly into Excel spreadsheets, making it easier to interpret and present your data. 


Repeatability and Reproducibility Analysis (Gage R&R) :

  • Calculation of repeatability: ability of an operator to obtain the same results on the same sample under identical conditions.
  • Calculation of reproducibility: ability of different operators to obtain the same results on the same sample.

Compatibility with Standards :

  • Compliance with MSA (Measurement Systems Analysis) standards to guarantee the validity of results.

Data visualisation :

  • Graphs and tables to illustrate the results of Gage R&R analyses.
  • Histograms, scatter graphs and control charts to help interpret the data.

Data Management :

  • Easy input and management of measurement data.
  • Data import and export capabilities, including common formats such as Excel.

Report customisation :

  • Generation of customisable reports to document analysis results.
  • Options for adding comments, interpretations and recommendations to reports.
A complete solution for Industry 4.0

6 integrated statistical modules

Your feedback

Ellistat, an intuitive statistical tool

Vincent GELLY Quality Manager, SAINT GOBAIN

As part of the continuous improvement of our product offering in both the development and production phases, I wanted to develop a number of quality tools within the WIRQUIN group. To achieve this, and given the challenges involved, it quickly became apparent that a data processing software package was essential to improve efficiency. I quickly chose the Ellistat software because of its many on-board functions and its ease of access, even if the algorithms behind it are much less easy! What's more, the fact that it's a floating licence rather than an individual licence means a rapid return on investment. Don't ask me how we would do without Ellistat from now on, I wouldn't know how to answer!

Laurent SALZAT Group QHSE Manager, WIRQUIN

Complete, powerful, efficient and impressively simple! A must-have for anyone who needs to talk about their data.

Ralph SPRUNGER Laboratory & Quality Manager, DUBOIS PERRAZ
The right price to your needs


Data Analysis Module

  • 30 days
  • All Ellistat functions
  • 1 user


Technical support and updates included

Student / Teacher

Data Analysis Module

  • 1 year
  • All Ellistat functions
  • 1 user
  • Licence dedicated to students with a student card currently valid


Technical support and updates included


Data Analysis Module

  • Licence renewed every month
  • All Ellistat functions
  • Unlimited users
  • Technical support and updates included
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