Who we are

About us of Ellistat

Ellistat is a close-knit, dynamic, sporty and innovative team

The future lies in innovation. Innovation comes from people.

Why choose Ellistat ?

Because innovation is our DNA

Every year we invest 30% of our sales invested in R&D. Our love of technology drives us to develop the impossible.
Since 2017, a number of unique features have already been introduced ...

And there's more to come...

Because we are committed

For the environment

Respect for the environment is not an option at Ellistat. Ellistat is a a committed company with a charter for a respected environment.
92nd percentile: We are one of the 8% most responsible companies in terms of CSR!
8D Problem Solving E-Learning course

We travel to our customers with 100% electric vehicles to limit our carbon footprint.

8D Problem Solving E-Learning course

We recycle our waste.

8D Problem Solving E-Learning course

Whenever possible, we come to the office by bike, public transport or car pool. 

8D Problem Solving E-Learning course

We help our customers to reduce their waste by offering them our tailored services.

For IT security

All our servers are hosted in Europe from European suppliers.

We're one of the 13% mature companies when it comes to cybersecurity!

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Our values,
pillars of our development

We work as a team in the with good humour and enthusiasm.

Who we are
We are committed to meeting our customers' needs. We adapt to constraints, build flexible, easy-to-use and intuitive tools to meet their day-to-day needs while imagining the functionalities of tomorrow.
We react quickly to customer requests. In the event of an anomaly blocking the application, we offer a solution within 1 working day.
We share our knowledge, we help each other and we limit meetings to what is strictly necessary, which is to say almost never.
We are transparent in our actions: "I say what I do and I do what I say". We have introduced a distributed management system where every member of the team has responsibilities and feels valued.
I say what I do and I do what I say

Where can you find us?

Our head office is based in Poisy.
425 Route d'Annecy
74540 Poisy

We have a sales office in Milan (Italy).
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