What is the SPC for?

SPC (Statistical Process Control) is a method of statistical control of processes. quality control which enables continuous monitoring of production processes using data collected in real time. In many industries such as automotive, aerospace and luxury goods, it is a requirement for compliance with quality standards and regulations. 

By using statistical tools such as control cardsSPC helps to identify deviations from quality standards before they become major problems. This allows corrective measures to be taken before defective products are produced in large quantities. In the field of machining, APC (Automated Process Control) enables machine tools to be corrected before deviations are observed.

By reducing defects and variations, SPC helps to reduce the costs associated with rejects, rework and product recalls, and thus cut costs for the company. SPC is a fundamental pillar for any company seeking to achieving operational excellenceThis enables us not only to maintain high quality standards, but also to proactively optimise production processes.

From risk supplier to reference supplier

We called on Ellistat to improve the quality indicators of our parts. In order to meet our customer's requirements, it was imperative to make progress on these indicators, although the machine settings were very complicated. The part in question comes from a foundry and has more than 300 measurable characteristics. The machines had to be set up by a setter specialising in this reference. We implemented Ellistat's APC module on this reference and the results were immediate. The part is now set up on Monday morning and we are able to re-centre all the characteristics after each measurement. Our quality indicators have improved and we have gone from being a supplier in difficulty to a reference supplier. We now use the Ellistat APC module on all our industrial sites.
Mathieu NEFF, Eurocast
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