Press release - February 2024
Ellistat, a software publisher best known for its APC software solution for automating machine-tool set-up, is launching a new comprehensive software package for quality in production. This modular, innovative, intuitive and 100% Web-based Quality Suite is the fruit of a strategy and developments implemented right from the company's creation. Henceforth, Ellistat no longer positions itself solely as an expert in the machining sector, but more broadly as an expert in industrial quality. The Ellistat software suite will be unveiled, ahead of the 1era at Global Industrie Paris 2024.
From quality consulting to software development
Until now, the success of the French company Ellistat has been based on its expertise in training and quality consulting in Lean and Six Sigma. But also on its flagship APC (Automated Process Control) software. Numerous manufacturers and subcontractors in the medical, automotive, aerospace and watchmaking sectors have opted for this revolutionary technology, which is extremely easy to use. APC, which has won several awards at industry trade fairs, automates the process of setting up machine tools to ensure quality compliance from the very first part machined.
Today, Ellistat is evolving and offering a complete software suite. Composed of various autonomous modules that communicate with each other. It is THE Quality Suite on the market dedicated to industrial quality, created by quality experts. Development of this suite began over ten years ago. It was initiated by Maurice Pillet*, father of the founder of Ellistat, who is recognised as one of the French leaders in production quality. Maurice has published numerous works over the course of his career on Experience Plans, Process Control and Six Sigma. One of them, "Six Sigma - How to apply it has become the standard reference work in the field.
Davy Pillet, CEO of Ellistat: "We are delighted to present our Quality Suite to manufacturers. As part of their digitalisation strategy, Ellistat aims to improve their operational efficiency, optimise their production processes, guarantee compliance with standards and regulations, reduce their production costs and finally improve the quality of their products.
By proposing this Quality Suite, Ellistat hopes to give a new lease of life to a long-established market. "We think there is still room for innovation", says Davy Pillet.
A complete quality software suite focused on optimising return on investment...
Now mature in its development, Ellistat offers a complete industrial quality software suite. It includes all the standard functions traditionally offered:
- SPC (Statistical Process Control) : allows you to monitor statistical changes in processes and control production in real time.
- IQC (Incoming Quality Control) :enables supplier samples to be checked. Thanks to its dynamisation and progressive control functions, it is now possible to halve the number of controls carried out for the same incoming quality.
- METRO : allows you to ensure the conformity of control instruments. By tracking not only their calibrations but also the associated R&R guarantees. The METRO module offers an efficient, automated approach to maintaining the accuracy of measuring instruments. Om helps guarantee product quality and compliance with standards and regulations.
- NON-CONFORMITIES : module enables non-conformity incidents to be detected, tracked and resolved effectively. The NON-CONFORMITIES module improves responsiveness, traceability, efficiency and the prevention of quality-related problems. As a result, it helps to boost customer satisfaction and regulatory compliance.
...with new features
As well as offering an innovative user and technical approach to the so-called "standard" functions, Ellistat offers additional modules that have never been used before:
- DATA ANALYSISThe Data Analysis module can be used to calculate capability, draw up an experimental plan, etc., as well as to perform statistical analysis of data from the SPC and IQC modules. The Data Analysis module stands out for the richness of its functionalities. Its machine learning algorithms can be used to understand the origin of machine drifts or to statistically differentiate between suppliers.
- E-LEARNINGLean: 70 training modules to train all employees in the tools of Lean and Quality and to increase the skills of the entire company.
- APC (Automated Process Control)dedicated to the machining market, this module automates the process of setting up machine tools to ensure quality compliance from the very first part machined.
Davy Pillet comments: " At the cutting edge of innovation, the development of the Ellistat Quality Software Suite has focused on maximising return on investment. The idea, for example, is to see to what extent it is possible to reduce the number of controls, while maintaining the same quality. Or, with the SPC module linked to the Data Analysis module, to obtain data but above all to be able to use it to find out where the problem comes from and then be able to take the right decisions.
Ellistat's quality software suite is easy to use and implement
The solution is based on a native 'full web' architecture. The most obvious advantage of this architecture is its nomadic nature. You can connect to the software from any terminal connected to the Internet, using a simple browser. The second advantage is the fluidity of navigation for users and the speed of response of the platform. It is supplied in Saas mode (software hosted by the publisher) or On-Premise mode (software installed directly on the customer's network).
To implement the solution, Ellistat offers its customers a support package. (> Find out more : Pilot Project, SPC support, IQC support).
First of all, we carry out a diagnostic on the customer's site to determine the best method for deploying the solution. We then move on to the preparation phase, to ensure that we are precise during implementation. Finally, we plan 3 or 4 days of on-site training, depending on the number of modules.
Davy Pillet: "We're proud of what we've achieved, and of being able to offer manufacturers a complete software suite for quality in production. Ellistat is the most powerful solution on the market, with full Web technology applied to all modules, making it extremely simple, user-friendly and superbly ergonomic to use.
* Statistician trained at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Research Director at the SYMME Laboratory and inventor of the concepts of inertial tolerancing and inertial process control.
Press contact: Comcordance
Véronique Albet
Here are the modules which make up the Ellistat Quality Software Suite:
Automated Process Control
What if your machine tools could set themselves? Dedicated to the machining market, this module enables you to automate the process of setting up your machine tools, so that you can obtain centred quality right from the first machined part.
Statistical Process Control
View all your production data simply and instantly. Use control charts to monitor the statistical evolution of your processes and control your production in real time.
Incoming Quality Control
Automate and reduce your checks. Thanks to its dynamisation and progressive control functions, it is now possible to halve the number of controls carried out for the same incoming quality. What's more, the module complies with ISO 2859 and ISO 3951 standards.
Metrology Software
Manage the traceability of your measuring instruments. It enables you to meet the crucial needs of traceability and compliance with the standards in force, manage the life cycle of your fleet of measuring instruments and track the history of interventions.
Data Analysis
Statistics in 1 click. Use the power of statistics to find out what's behind your production data from the SPC, APC or IQC modules. Thanks to its machine learning algorithms, the Data Analysis module can be used to understand the origin of machine drift or to differentiate suppliers statistically.